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The effects of the revised Brisbane City Centre Neighbourhood Plan


The draft City Centre Neighbourhood Plan will form part of the Brisbane City Plan 2014 and will set the statutory requirements for new development in Brisbane’s City Centre.

In response to public feedback, the council has made changes to the draft City Centre Neighbourhood Plan released mid-2015.

The latest version contains some key amendments including:

  • Transferable Site Area (TSA) can now be applied to both residential and non-residential towers;
  • The use of TSA is limited to a maximum increase in tower site cover of 5%;
  • According to the ‘sustainable criteria’ of the new plan, tower site cover can also be 5% larger where buildings achieve 5 or 6 Green Star rating and provide substantial outdoor space;
  • Towers within the mall tower area can now build to a maximum height of 30 storeys;
  • Previously the minimum TSA transfer amount was 300m2, it has now been reduced to 50m2;
  • Towers within the mall tower area can now build to a maximum height of 30 storeys.

Brisbane is predicted to see significant growth in the next 20 years. It is projected that the City Centre will demand 800,000 square metres of floor space; translating to about 50 new towers.

If you’re interested in learning how these changes may affect you, please don’t hesitate to contact our experienced team at Wolter Consulting Group.

For the full Revised Draft City Centre Neighbourhood Plan click here