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Proposed Changes to Deep Planting in Brisbane City Council: What You Need to Know.


What is deep planting?

Deep planting is planting that is 100% open to the sky (no overhead structures) and 100% in natural ground with no underground infrastructure (no underground car parks or service conduits encased in concrete).

Cropped Deep planting diagrame.jpg

What is not deep planting?

  • Deep planting must be within the site boundaries so anything in council verge cannot be included.
  • Podium planting
  • Bio-retention basins
  • Anything under a shade structure
  • Transformers

The grey areas:

  • Any deep planting that has a minimum dimension smaller than 3 or 4m (dependent on applicable code) and a minimum area of 25m2
  • Paved areas
  • Private open space

The term deep planting is specific to Brisbane City Council and specific outcomes about deep planting can be found in the following codes within the Brisbane City Plan 2014:

  • Multiple dwelling code
  • Centre or mixed-use code
  • Childcare centre code

Although not yet implemented, it is important to be aware of the future changes to the Multiple Dwelling Code for residential projects in Brisbane City Council, namely townhouse and apartment developments.

The most significant changes proposed to deep planting include:

  • Specifying 4m as the minimum dimension in the multiple dwelling code
  • Changes to the way open space and deep planting interrelate, most notably that private and communal open space will no longer be allowed to be included in the area that makes up deep planting

Implications of these changes:

If adopted by Council, these changes may substantially reduce the net usable space of a site, which may, in some cases, create feasibility issues for our clients.

If you have any questions about the proposed deep planting requirements and what it may mean for any of your sites, please get in touch with our Landscape Architecture or Town Planning departments (07) 3666 5200.