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Wynnum Views

85 two and three storey townhouses including protected heritage buildings

  • Type/Category

  • Client

    Heran Building Group
  • Location

    400 Tingal Road, Wynnum
  • Project Value



  • Planning
  • Design
  • Environment
  • Surveying

Wynnum Views is a unique townhouse project, redeveloped on a former primary school site located in the established Brisbane bayside suburb of Wynnum. The development involved reclassifying the site for low- medium density residential zoning, protecting and relocating two significant heritage buildings and providing 85 new two and three storey townhouse dwellings within the site. The unique architectural design supports a high quality townhouse product that revitalises existing pool facilities and protects and enhances significant heritage buildings. The two and three storey product maximises density while allowing the maximum retention of mature vegetation within the site boundaries. The significant heritage outcomes attained through this project provide an excellent example of what is achievable on an identified heritage site.

The WCG Value add


  • Strategic guidance to project and DA strategy, culminating in an approval that protects and enhances heritage buildings
  • Clear community engagement throughout the DA phase
  • Preparation of key planning arguments to support zone variations which maximised dwelling yield and underpinned project value
  • Staging of the project to assist with project funding and reduction in project risk
  • Securing credits for the lawful established use that was offset against Infrastructure Charges
  • Design of landscape recreation areas utilising existing trees and features to minimise costs
  • Collaboration with development complex management team to develop planting palettes that minimise long-term maintenance requirements whilst still complying with Council conditions
  • Incorporation of existing pool and heritage buildings into recreation area
  • Retention and incorporation of large existing trees and open space along the site’s Tingal Road frontage to minimise visual impact on streetscape


  • Feasibility and design advice based on the sites ecological values
  • Facilitation of environmental legislative requirements
  • Assessment of baseline ecological information
  • Preparation of practical operational works management plans to guide construction works


  • Full suite of professional surveying services including cadastral, civil and topographic surveying at all phases of the development
  • Preparation of staged Building Format and Exclusive Use Plans to reflect the 85 townhouses