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Omega Apartments

  • Type/Category

  • Client

    Brookes JV Pty Ltd
  • Location

    61 Brookes Street, Bowen Hills
  • Project Value



  • Planning
  • Surveying

Omega Apartments is a high quality housing project located in the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area (PDA) providing a comparatively affordable product to buyers and renters within the inner city market context. The building provides 130 apartments, comprising both 1 and 2 storey products which are afforded with generously sized terraces and balconies. The ground level provides commercial tenancy opportunities which engage with the streetscape, enhance the pedestrian environment and contribute to the vibrancy of the area. The building features an innovative and climatically responsive architectural design which incorporates high quality materials and features to create visual interest and contribute to Economic Development Queensland’s (EDQs) vision for the area.

The WCG Value add


  • Strategic guidance and preparation of key planning arguments to significant superior design outcomes which are responsive to market conditions and the design intent for the site.
  • Planning input and DA strategy to support the overall building height, considering the difficult geotechnical conditions which were not conducive to construction of basement levels.
  • Assisting with the securing an offset against the payment of value uplift charges on the basis that the proposal provides a number of dwellings which are similar to an affordable housing product.