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Review of draft Qld Development Assessment (DA) Rules

Wolter Consulting Group were engaged by the Qld Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP), to undertake a review of the proposed Development Assessment Rules under the Planning Act.

  • Type/Category

    Government and Infrastructure
  • Client

    Qld Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
  • Location

  • Project Value



  • Planning

Wolter Consulting Group were engaged by the Qld Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP), to undertake a review of the proposed Development Assessment Rules under the Planning Act.

The methodology adopted by WCG for the review included:

• Preparation of flow charts to demonstrate the steps proposed within the draft DA Rules, such as critical timeframes and links,

• Road testing of the proposed DA Rules against live project examples of varying scale and complexity, and

• Group discussion sessions relating to key components of the DA Rules.

WCG provided a final report to the Department, discussing the workability of the proposed DA Rules and potential implementation issues which was used to address key elements of the DA Rules before finalisation and implementation in July of 2017.

The WCG Value add


Our extensive legislative experience combined with our real world experience managing and navigating the development assessment system across multiple Qld local government areas and a wealth of project ranging across all sectors, and as expert witness in the Planning and Environment Court, providing an expert, independent review with real world, practical experience.

Development Assessment Rules Image.png